28 August 2015,
Lateral Thinking
On Thursday we learnt about Lateral Thinking. I really enjoyed it because in order to think lateral I had to think creatively and looking at the problem from unexpected perspective.
I got to do some problem which some how I found it challenging but fun. At first I tried to think logically however, I couldn't solved the problem.
esthernsh24.blogspot.com |
After teacher showed us how to solve it I started to understand the point of thinking lateral. Next problem I found it easier maybe because I thought out of the box and tried to solve it with creative way.
mybrainteasers.com |
This was my attempt to solve the quiz.
Then came a difficult problem, we had been asked to come up with both usual and unusual reason for this case " There was a room with back window opened, in front of the window there was a table with a vase full of fresh flowers. On the other side of this room hanged a painting of roses. A bee flew into the room and went straight to the painting, WHY!!! " So I came up with 10 usual and 10 unusual ideas.
As you can see, my ideas was overflowed, I can't really think logically but I really impressed with the outcome because I tried my best to come up with a wonderful way to solved problem and it turned out just as great as I wanted it to be.
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