

Friday, 24th July 2015

        As you know I'm not Singaporean. I came all the way from Thailand to find a new experience as an arts student here, so I always spend amount of time exploring the city. Despite hot and humid weather, my journey was amazing. Every time I went for a walk I would always spot some interesting things.

        On Friday, I wandered around bras barsah road hoping to find something interesting while taking many pictures . I like how the colour changed when it was in the sun and I also like to observe forms of shadows.



     Not for long I came across  "Kapok", a selected shop, a cafe, an office and a creative studio in the design centre. I entered it immediately and found lots of interesting design from both Singaporean designers and world wide designers.

    Everything in this shop were products we always use in everyday life with more imaginations, creativities, details, stories and fineness which made it more valuable and been able to caught more attention.
    One of my favourite brands was "WANT Les Essentiels de la Vie", what made this brand standout was the materials they used. Instead of using normal cotton or polyester,"WANT Les Essentiels de la Vie" had added more value to its products by using organic fabric. This idea was really clever, the word "organic" made us felt safe because nowadays we all concerned about chemicals and so we all want to use the best stuff with the best materials we can find. This idea of using good materials made me think about my work that if I had a chance to do a good work I should spent more time thinking how to make my work stand out from others.



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