
Eggs Experience and Bus journey

30 July 2015

Eggs Experience

       On Thursday in creative thinking class our teacher asked us to come up with an idea to drop an egg without cracking it by using only tissues, tapes, straws, yarns, plastic bags and boxes. At first I thought it was quite an easy task so I was relaxed, but it turned out harder than I thought. What I do was wrapping an egg with tissues then knitted some sort of eggs cover with a yarn and taped many straws to the egg because soft meterials supposed to protect an egg from a hard crash. It was fun and I quite enjoyed it. After me and my friend finished wrapping our egg we had to stand on the table and drop the egg. Unfortunately, our egg cracked but we could learned from our mistake so next time if I had to do this again I know what I should do.


1 August 2015,

          It was Saturday so I woke up around 1pm, taking a bath and start planing what to do this afternoon.I ended up walking to YMCA building on Orchard road and waiting for a bus. This was  my first time taking a bus in Singapore. I took the first bus and it was bus number 36. After I got on board I found an empty seat so I sat down. I planed to get down at the third station that it parked because 3 is my favourite number. The third station the bus parked was in front of the building called 313 Somerset. I put my phone in my bag and wandering without destination. Somerset was crowded which I don't like it, almost everyone stuck to their smartphone even when they crossing the road.

       It was noisy, no one cared about anything accept their phone, they bumped against others. Just then I found something that caught my attention, even Orchard road was very noisy and crowded there was a large flock of birds on almost every trees. I liked their sound and their white stains on the road. I stared at the stain and realise it did look like white flower petals which was actually very pretty and it inspired me to do some art piece with stains like that.

This was taken during the wat back to my dorm. I really like the way sunlight hit the road

This was taken during the wat back to my dorm. I really like the way sunlight hit trees and grasses

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