
Brainstorming & Midnight running


       On Thursday we had  creative thinking class which we learnt to brainstorm. In our group we brainstormed about 101 ways to recycle. The outcome was quite great because we came up with very interesting idea without thinking about reality. 

Midnight running

   9 August 2015,

                    Yesterday around 6 pm I went to marina bay for short run. Since it was Singapore national day, mrt was crowded and people were pushing each other in order to get in the bus. I felt disappointed because the guard was trying to organise the queue but no one tended to listen to them.  I arrive at city hall mrt few minutes later then I walked to city link to jog to marina bay, unfortunately it was closed due to overcrowd. I suddenly realise that I got lost. Thanks to guards around that area, I finally found my way to Garden by the bay but again, it was overcrowded.

Thank you so much guards

       Running routes there were fully occupied by visitors who came to the ceremony the only thing that made me still happy was light and view of Singapore night.

all pictures was taken by me when I was running around marina bay.

            Many ideas on how to organise transportation and running route during the national day had flown into my mind while I was running angrily avoiding bumping people in that place. My idea was to build another route it can be very little route but only for running and it will not closed during any ceremony so people who wanted to run can enjoyed their time without anger or stress, design a running shoes that can float around or build a flying platform for special ceremony. For transportation, I would like to suggest that maybe they should have one train for people who do not want to celebrate so they can go wherever they want in time and no need to pushing and queueing with others or a glass tube for quick transportations. I know that it was a selfish thought but I want it to happen anyway.

Traffic in bayfront MRT

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