
Forced Connection 2

Forced Connection 2

   This week we still learning about forced connection, the different was that this week we have to design a product by using forced connection.Before doing that teacher taught us about "SCAMPER" which were the keywords to help us as a guideline to invent some ideas. What our group did was putting everything in our bag on the table and chose at least two object and created something out of that.

 I chose three object from my own bag which were 

1. Power bank for device

2. Wallet

After that I wrote down my idea and purpose for my new invention by using SCAMPER as a guideline. I wanted to make a power wallet which was a wallet that you can charged your device so you did not have to carry both wallet and power bank. For me, it turned out really well.

Finally, I sketched out my idea so it will be easier to understand. This was how my invention look like.

materials and idea

After I sketched out my idea I searched about this idea in internet and accidentally found some similar ideas



  suddenly wanted to change my plan. So I changed from power wallet to POWERBAG which was a combination of power bank and mini bag.


  The reason why I want to use mini bag was because this year I could spot everyone using mini bag during fashion week which mean that women loved it. This was my new sketch.

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