
Forced Connection Presentation

Forced Connection Presentation

10 October 2015

  On Thursday we learned a little bit about synesthesia which is "a rare phenomenon in which real sensory experiences evoke sensory experiences that are not directly caused by outside physical events"  as it said in http://www.danko-nikolic.com.


After that we had presentations. Everyone must prepared their powerpoint about there invention and presented it in front of the whole class. I made powerpoint about POWERBAG, a combination of power bank and mini bag or wallet. My first powerpoint was not good because I didn't good because I hadn't researched well, some information were missing. After I presented I talked to my teacher and then redid it after class. This is finished version of my new powerpoint which I added researched about fabric and my sketches to show the audience picture and make it easier to understand.

This slide is about the reason why I came up with this idea of making POWERBOAT

We were taught to use SCAMPER to guide us on focussing and working with the topic

      This Smart Fabric is very interesting. I found about it while searching other stuff in internet. I like the idea that our clothes that we had  to wear everyday can produce us electricity. It would be really cool if I could made  POWERBAG with this technology in real life.

my sketches on how it will look like

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