
Forced Connection Presentation

Forced Connection Presentation

10 October 2015

  On Thursday we learned a little bit about synesthesia which is "a rare phenomenon in which real sensory experiences evoke sensory experiences that are not directly caused by outside physical events"  as it said in http://www.danko-nikolic.com.


After that we had presentations. Everyone must prepared their powerpoint about there invention and presented it in front of the whole class. I made powerpoint about POWERBAG, a combination of power bank and mini bag or wallet. My first powerpoint was not good because I didn't good because I hadn't researched well, some information were missing. After I presented I talked to my teacher and then redid it after class. This is finished version of my new powerpoint which I added researched about fabric and my sketches to show the audience picture and make it easier to understand.

This slide is about the reason why I came up with this idea of making POWERBOAT

We were taught to use SCAMPER to guide us on focussing and working with the topic

      This Smart Fabric is very interesting. I found about it while searching other stuff in internet. I like the idea that our clothes that we had  to wear everyday can produce us electricity. It would be really cool if I could made  POWERBAG with this technology in real life.

my sketches on how it will look like


Forced Connection 2

Forced Connection 2

   This week we still learning about forced connection, the different was that this week we have to design a product by using forced connection.Before doing that teacher taught us about "SCAMPER" which were the keywords to help us as a guideline to invent some ideas. What our group did was putting everything in our bag on the table and chose at least two object and created something out of that.

 I chose three object from my own bag which were 

1. Power bank for device

2. Wallet

After that I wrote down my idea and purpose for my new invention by using SCAMPER as a guideline. I wanted to make a power wallet which was a wallet that you can charged your device so you did not have to carry both wallet and power bank. For me, it turned out really well.

Finally, I sketched out my idea so it will be easier to understand. This was how my invention look like.

materials and idea

After I sketched out my idea I searched about this idea in internet and accidentally found some similar ideas



  suddenly wanted to change my plan. So I changed from power wallet to POWERBAG which was a combination of power bank and mini bag.


  The reason why I want to use mini bag was because this year I could spot everyone using mini bag during fashion week which mean that women loved it. This was my new sketch.

Forced Connection 1

Forced Connection 1

    Forced connection is to force or put somethings which have different uses together, for example : a skate because it is consist of shoes and wheels or an iPhone which is a combination of communication with many thing such as camera and note. This is an example of forced connection which we use in our day life or see it everyday with our realising that it is a combination of two or more things which are totally different.






Both materials have to be different or contrast but when they combined together they can provide excellent uses for user. Today class is very fun. We get to watch a document video about forced connection. I learn many thing from that video, it teaches me how our brain works. While watching the document I really into this topic because I always like this kind of subject that related to our mind, our brain and psychology.

How our brain works

In the video, there is one guy who bring many forced connection exercise and let people around that area take. One of the exercise I like is the one that he put a hundred dollars banknote under the tip of an upside-down pyramid and ask other to take out that banknote without making the pyramid falling.

 I spend times thinking about it, at first I think that we should use some string to lift up the pyramid but that is not possible because the pyramid has to stay at the same place. Finally the guy in video tell us the way to solve this problem. The answer is to burn the banknote :why is it so easy but we can not think about it ?


Metaphor and Similes

Metaphor and Similes 

     In Analogical thinking we have Metaphor and Similes. Metaphor is to say that something is the same as some unrelated thing for example " life is a rollercoaster ". Similes is to say that something share some usual habit or similarity with somethings like "She is as beautiful as a rose". In our class we practiced this subject and it was really fun. This was some example I found on internet which was nice and easy to understand.


  For me, these two kind of analogical thinking were very useful. When ever you wanted to explain something more clearly you ought to use metaphor and similes.
  I went through my painting and found some picture which I could use to explain the simile and this was what I found.
as strong as lion

as fat as ballon

as cold as ghost

as dumb as a rock

as tough as a superman

as blank as a paper
I really like how my painting expressed those similes, it was very funny. In Thailand we had this kind of uses in language to but I didn't find it this fun maybe because English wasn't my mother language so I had to find a proper word which related to my sentence. to sum up this lesson, Metaphor and Similes were really useful not only fun but also helpful when use to explain something to make it more clear and easy to understand.


Analogical Thinking and A Day In Museum

Analogical Thinking

3 September 2015,

       When learning analogical thinking I had to change how I look at everyday stuffs and try to find its characteristic, emotions and things that related to it. We did some exercises in class on this topic which were really fun. The exercises that I like the most was the one that we had to draw some day life subject in a different forms which created emotions to it. I chose 3 subjects (candle, clock and pencil).

my sketches

14 September 2015

     On Thursday after I finished my extra class I went to 8q to find an artwork which expressed some emotions as I had learnt in creative thinking class. I arrived at 8q around 5 pm so I went in and start discovered the museum. First room was an libraly-like-installation which you could actually borrowed some books. I headed upstairs to second floor and went into a room filled with little children making origami and playing chess. In this room I found some stuff with expression in it.

8Q Museum

This one look like a happy face :)


After that I found something quite interesting in the other room. It was a music cords placed beside illustrations made from brush stroke which created a strong feeling.



The next exhibition I went in was scary. It was a flower made from artist's skin place inside glass cover in a dark room. despite the scary look, it made me felt calm and chilled while looking at it.

After that I headed to SAM(Singapore Arts Museum)to find more interesting pieces and this was what I found.

This painting has a very strong feeling which I think is PROUD.




It was fun to observe around museum and use my imagination to look for emotions in artwork I had walked by many times.



Lateral Thinking

28 August 2015, 

Lateral Thinking 

               On Thursday we learnt about Lateral Thinking. I really enjoyed it because in order to think lateral I had to think creatively and looking at the problem from unexpected perspective.
                I got to do some problem which some how I found it challenging but fun. At first I tried to think logically however, I couldn't solved the problem. 


                After teacher showed us how to solve it I started to understand the point of thinking lateral. Next problem I found it easier maybe because I thought out of the box and tried to solve it with creative way.


This was my attempt to solve the quiz.

         Then came a difficult problem, we had been asked to come up with both usual and unusual  reason for this case " There was a room with back window opened, in front of the window there was a  table with a vase full of fresh flowers. On the other side of this room hanged a painting of roses. A bee flew into the room and went straight to the painting, WHY!!! " So I came up with 10 usual and 10 unusual ideas.

As you can see, my ideas was overflowed, I can't really think logically but I really impressed with the outcome because I tried my best to come up with a wonderful way to solved problem and it turned out just as great as I wanted it to be.